Aperture Antenna Calculator

Enter value and click on calculate. Result will be displayed.

Eθ = [ ( j*k*a2*E0*e-jkr ) / r ] * Sinφ [ ( J1*k*a*Sinθ) / k*a*Sinθ ]
Eφ = [ ( j*k*a2*E0*e-jkr ) / r ] *(Cosθ*Cosφ) [(J1*k*a*Sinθ) / k*a*Sinθ]

Magnetic Current :
Half antenna length :
Wave Length :
Radius :
Z-axis length :
Coordinate Angle :

Result :

Dipole Current :
Electric Wave :
Magnetic Wave :
Average radiated power density :
What is antenna aperture? Antenna aperture refers to the effective area of an antenna that captures incoming electromagnetic waves. It is a critical parameter in determining the overall performance of the antenna, as it directly affects the received signal strength and the antenna's ability to transmit and receive signals.
Antenna Aperture Calculator is a helpful tool designed to help you determine the effective area of a magnetic loop antenna. This tool takes into account various parameters such as magnetic current, half antenna length, wavelength, radius, Z-axis length, and coordinate angle.